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How do we dare to lead?

Updated: Jul 27, 2021

Over the course of the past four months, I have been working to become certified as a Dare to Lead™ Facilitator. The good news is I completed all of my curriculum, passed my assessment and met the criteria. So its official I’m a CDT™F.

For most of the past 12 years I have been working as a Life and Executive coach working with individuals, couple, families and groups looking to show up differently in their lives. I am now moving back in to the arena of Business and Community Leadership. What does that entail? What does that look like?

For almost 10 years from the late 90’s to the mid 2000’s, I was a Team/ Sales Coach for a large Multi Media Company. I was trained as a corporate coach. So to ease back in to this arena feels natural and exciting

The Dare to Lead curriculum is geared towards businesses, companies, and organizations. Brené during our training said, “think of it this way if Daring Greatly and Rising Strong had a baby it would be Dare to Lead. ™ is about Courage Building. It is about moving from armored leadership to daring leadership.

I have had several people reach out to me about upcoming workshops and ask, “so do you have to be in business to be a leader and do this work?”. I really have pondered this question. For those of you that have been a follower of Brené and are excited for this book, you will not be disappointed. From the first time that I saw her TED talk, I knew she would become one of my teachers. Her ability to put new language to issues that render us all stymied and befuddled is powerful and in my assessment part of her universal success. We have been hungry for the ability to keep it simple, keep it real. That is what she does. So the simple answer to that is question is no. But you do have to be someone who wants to either be in leadership in some capacity or is a leader now, either in your company, organization or community.

One of the things that I love about the Dare to Lead™ curriculum is that it takes the mystery out of the professional arena and says lets find a new way to dance. Let’s learn some new step and tools to show up from a place of authenticity. At the end of the day we want the people that we lead, the people that look to us for guidance to walk out that door secure in the knowledge of their own self worth. We want them to breathe in the security of job well done, and if a mistake was made, learn from it and show up differently the next time. It takes courage, especially in the workplace to get real. People can feel judged and misunderstood. Through this work in Dare to Lead™, people will learn four set principles:

Rumbling with Vulnerability

Living into Our Values

Braving Trust

Learning to Rise

For those of you who are new to Brené Brown’s work here is some background.

Dr. Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston where she holds the Huffington Foundation – Brené Brown Endowed Chair at The Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy, and most recently completed a seven-year study on courageous leadership. She is the author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness, and Dare to Lead, which also debuted at #1 on The Wall Street Journal and Publisher’s Weekly list.

The most significant finding from Brené’s latest research is that courage is a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, measurable, and observable. Certified Dare to Lead Facilitators focus on developing these courage-building skills through workshops, trainings and coaching to help individuals, teams and organizations move from armored leadership to daring leadership.

Our facilitators can also prepare participants to become Dare to Lead certified. Upon successful completion of the training and an exam, participants will receive a LinkedIn badge recognizing their mastery of the four skill sets of courage and admission to a private LinkedIn group.

If you have any questions or are curious about whether or not this is for you, please feel free to email me at I will look forward to hearing from you.

Wishing you all a wonderful day.

Always in gratitude and curiosity,


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