In 2012 Roxanne heard Dr. Brené Brown’s TED™ talk on Vulnerability. From that moment she knew that these groundbreaking concepts, tools, and practices would change the direction of how we show up in our world. In 2013 she went to San Antonio, Texas and became certified in the work or Dr. Brown as a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator.

These workshops are designed for people ready to:
Show Up - Be Seen - Live Brave
In a safe and fun environment, you will explore what is holding you back from living the life you want. Together we will explore the thoughts, emotions and behaviors that are getting in your way. Based on the curriculum and the research of Dr. Brown, coupled with Roxanne’s warm and open style of coaching, our goal is for you to leave these workshops with a new set of tools and experiences that will give you the beginnings of an effective and supportive roadmap to the life you desire.
We will look at how to:
Cultivate intimacy and connection
Develop courage and embrace your vulnerability
Let go of fears that hold you back
Drop the need for perfectionism and know “I am enough”
Deepen your compassion and empathy in your connection to others
Increase your capacity to experience joy, contentment, stillness, and creativity
Embrace the power of your own life story

There are three workshops available under The Daring Way:
These workshops can be done either in person or virtually. Look to the events page for any scheduled workshops or fill out our contact link to show which one you are interested in, and someone will reach out to you.
​Daring Greatly
How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, and Lead.
The Daring Way is a highly experiential methodology based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown. The method was designed for work with individuals, couples, families, work teams, and organizational leaders. During the process we explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness. We examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that are holding us back and we identify the new choices and practices that will move us toward more authentic and wholehearted living. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent, and lead.
Rising Strong
The Reckoning, the Rumble, the Revolution
‘The Rising Strong™ Workshop is a research-based program about what it takes for us to live a more wholehearted and satisfying life and how owning our stories of struggle gives us the power to write daring new endings. By participating in a Rising Strong™ Workshop you will have the opportunity to learn the model of The Reckoning, the Rumble,
and the Revolution.
The Gifts of Imperfection
Courage, Compassion, Connection
“Owning our story can be hard, but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky, but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy.” This workshop shows you how to embrace your inner flaws, to accept who you are, instead of constantly chasing the image of who you're trying to be, because other people expect you to act in certain ways. We explore the 10 guideposts to wholehearted living. This is a fun and creative workshop, so for those who like to get messy, paint, dance and go exploring this one is for you.
What you can expect:
These workshops are presented in a multi-media format.
Each workshop includes:
12-18 hours either in person or virtually.
Videos from Brené Brown addressing the curriculum around our time together.
Keepsake and Interactive Workbooks
Copy of the Book by Brené Brown
In-group discussion, worksheets, and breakout sessions that allows you to share your experience, strengths and hopes with fellow participants.
Customized Workshops and Speaking Engagements can be developed for your groups or organizations through:
All workshops are presented in a multi-media format.
Lunch and Learn
Half Day or Full Day
"Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen."
-Brené Brown
Contact us and let us know what you would be interested in.